Time Zones 2-e (3) Teacher’s Edition


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底下是 Time Zones 2-e (3) Teacher’s Edition 的內容簡介


Time Zones, Second Edition is a four-skills program designed to teach teenagers how to use English effectively, developing them into successful global citizens.


A full color Teacher Edition is available for each level and provides useful information and additional resources for the busy teacher, including:

?Page-by-page support In a wrap-around format Includes detailed teaching notes, answer keys for the Student Book and Workbook, as well as audio and video scripts.

?Ideas and suggestions for optional activities, notes on language, culture, and cross-cultural communication, and expansion activities supplement instruction in every unit.

?An introductory To the Teacher section provides advice and suggestions for teaching communicatively through content, using video in the classroom, and taking learning beyond the classroom.

  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2016/01/21
  • 語言:英文

商品網址: Time Zones 2-e (3) Teacher’s Edition


▲猛男做運動,有狗狗陪伴。(影/翻攝臉書/The Pet Collective)

寵物小組 / 綜合報導

做伏地挺身就做伏地挺身,竟然要狗狗陪是那一招?一名帥哥猛男在臉書粉絲專頁The Pet Collective分享影片,留言「健身最好的夥伴」,只見他認真地做伏地挺身,萌萌小狗也乖巧地坐在一旁,接下來不只如此,他每做一下就跟狗狗擊掌一次,牠竟然完全配合,畫面十分有趣。

博客來網路書店 ▲邊伏地挺身邊和狗狗擊掌。(圖/翻攝臉書/The Pet Collective)



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